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Our Focus


Domestic abuse can typically manifest as a pattern of abusive behaviour issues in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over the victim. We ensure to protect victims and provide them support from such a heinous crime.


Grooming occurs when someone builds an emotional connection with a child, teenager, or adult to gain their trust for the purpose of sexual abuse, exploitation, or to convert. We help and provide support to individuals who are facing such abuse.


Religious conversion is when someone is groomed or coerced into leaving one's religion for another. We focus on preventing such religious conversions.

Helpline and Support

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Call 999 for Police and Ambulance help if you are In immediate danger.

If you're a victim of crime, we can help you. Get in touch with our Victim Support to get the support you need, whether it's talking things through or helping with practical things like finding somewhere safe to stay.

0208 167 4189
07743 731 745

Upcoming Campaigns

The Hindu community in the UK is facing a significant challenge in the form of grooming and religious conversion. These practices are causing upheaval within individuals and families, and they are having a negative impact on the community as a whole.

The Hindu Support Network (HSN) is a group that is working to address this challenge. They have initiated a campaign aimed at increasing awareness about grooming and religious conversion. The campaign focuses on recognizing the signs of these practices, as well as providing necessary support to those who have been affected.

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About HSN

Hindu Support Network (HSN) is a not-for-profit, voluntary organisation dedicated to educating and raising awareness on various social problems and concerns and their impact on the Hindu and wider community.

The main aim of HSN will be to support, guide, and protect as much of the Hindu community as far as possible, who are affected by the various social concerns, and act against any silent prevalent social injustice and criminal acts.

What We Do

  • To create a national support framework by way of local HSN chapters.

  • To create support groups to provide emotional, legal, and other support to the victims and their families from the above social concerns.

  • To organize events/seminars/lectures/workshops and campaigns nationally and locally to raise awareness of the above social concerns and impact upon the British Hindu community.

  • To deliver services through multiple channels, to aim to work in partnership with governmental authorities, local communities, and support groups.

Our Impact



Awareness Campaigns Conducted



Support Groups Formed


175 +

Women Protected from Grooming and Conversion
